Arvida Group Limited

1 follower

Retirement villages aren’t created equal. Our approach is centred on living a life with soul, where every day is meaningful & fulfilling. Discover Arvida today!





Org chart

Jeremy Nicoll

Brett Boulle
General Manager IT
Maria Scott-Multani
GM, Wellness & Care
Jonathan Ash
GM, Development
Mark Jarvis
GM, Strategy
Kylie Gibson
General Manager, Brand & Marketing
Anna Lyne
General Manager, People
Aleshia Rayner
General Manager, Wellness & Care
Emily Jakubcik
Head Of Foodservice
Stephen Campbell
Head Of Project Management
B.arch Blair Cressy
Head Of Design
Arveen Horsefield
Head Of Sustainability & Compliance
Kim Brown
Head Of Clinical Quality
Frances Schuster
Wellness Leader
Gunjan Sharma
Wellness Partner
Jasdeep Kaur
Wellness Leader
Rosemary Henson
Wellness Partner
Jolie Fraser
National People Operations Manager
Aditi Arora
Wellness Leader
Dhea Rahmatulloh
Emergency Response Officer
Kevin Caile Tagarao
Wellness Partner
Manju Timilsina
Wellness Partner
Mathew Robin Kurien
Wellness Partner