Iris Cartagena

Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff at Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority

Iris Cartagena is an Executive Administrative Assistant of CMHA and provides thorough administration support to the Executive Office utilizing her professional experience in management, marketing and accounting. Before coming to CMHA, she held positions with several non-profit organizations performing various management functions as well as the banking and private sector business where she worked as a Compliance and Accounting Officer. Cartagena, born and raised in Puerto Rico, received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Caribbean University of Puerto Rico. She is a certified Compliance Officer, IRS VITA Site Coordinator and Notary Public for Cuyahoga County. Cartagena has received the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act certification, Credit and Collection certification, a Pre-Purchasing Home Buying Certification and the Ohio Benefit Bank certification. In 2002, Citigroup recognized Cartagena for her contribution and implementation of a successful marketing plan for mortgage loans. She is a certified Zumba instructor teaching and encouraging individuals to achieve their fitness goals.