Ethics and Public Policy Center


Founded in 1976, the Ethics and Public Policy Center is Washington, D.C.’s premier institute working to apply the riches of the Judeo-Christian tradition to contemporary questions of law, culture, and politics, in pursuit of America’s continued civic and cultural renewal.






Org chart

Rachel Morrison
Director, HHS Accountability Project

Rachel Morrison

Cathleen Ojeda
Advancement Operations Consultant
Clare Morell
Policy Analyst, Technology and Human Flourishing Project
David Gortler
Drug safety expert. FDA/ HHS accountability Project Co-Chair
Hannah Roberts
Operations Assistant
Mitchell S. Muncy
Executive Vice President
Ed Whelan
Distinguished Senior Fellow
Natalie Dodson
Policy Analyst
Ella Sullivan Ramsay
Event & Program Coordinator
Madeline Narduzzi
Program Coordinator
Mary Hallan-Fiorito
Cardinal Francis George Fellow, EPPC And Denicola Center For Ethics And Culture, Notre Dame
Devorah Goldman
Tikvah Visiting Fellow
Francis X. Maier
Senior Fellow