Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) GmbH


The Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) GmbH aims to provide a scientific basis for the protection and sustainable use of tropical coastal ecosystems. Its activities are focused on three main areas: 1) Research: In close cooperation with partners in the tropics, ZMT leads interdiscipl... Read more



Bremen, Germany




Org chart

Hildegard Westphal
Scientific Director

Hildegard Westphal

Andrea Daschner
Head Of Communications
Rebecca Lahl
Programme Area Lead
Michael Schmid
Head Of Scientific Diving Centre
Anke Moesinger
PHD Candidate Guest Researcher
Estradivari .
Manager, Societal Impact Group - The Coalition For Advancing Research Assessment (coara)
Jialin Zhang
Postdoc And Scientific Coordinator
Marleen Stuhr
Postdoctoral Researcher
Michael Kriegl
Scientist Within The Humboldt-tipping Project
Raymond Ayilu
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Sara Todorovic
Postdoctoral Researcher
Tim Jennerjahn
Senior Research Scientist Ecological Biogeochemistry
Wiebke Homes
Phd Researcher
Yim Ming Connie Kwong
Postdoctoral Researcher
Abibatou Banda Fall
Chercheure Associée
Debora Benjamen
Guest Researcher
Maxime Colin
Postdoc Researcher
Mondane Fouqueray
Doctoral Candidate
Pradipta Das
Research Assistant
Sabine Weidlich
PHD Student
Sandra Marion Kam Tsemo
P.h.d Research Candidate
Tsiaranto Fanoro
Doctoral Candidate
Fabio Nicoletti
Science Coordinator