National Urban League


The National Urban League is the oldest and largest community-based organization of its kind in the nation.




Org chart

Marc H. Morial
President and CEO of the National Urban League

Marc H. Morial

Lisa Taliano
Director Of Information Technology
Miranda F. Feldmann
Director, Data & Impact
Rhonda Spears Bell
Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer
Teresa Lyles Holmes
Vice President
Traci Scott
Vice President Of Workforce Development
Kristian Buchanan Newman
Vice President, Partnerships & Advancement
Danielle “Dani” Divittorio
Vice President Of Partnerships
Leigh Thorpe
Vice President, Partnerships And Advancement
Lynn Law
Vice President, Partnerships And Advancement
Sabrina Charles
Vice President, Affiliate Services & Strategic Partnerships
Wayne Rock
Vice President, Regional Affiliate Opera
Leslie Andrews
Vice President Strategic Initiatives And Advancement
Lisa Davis
Vice President Of Financial Operations
Stephanie Devane
Vice President, Entrepreneurship & Business Development
Hal Smith
Senior Vice President, Education And Youth Development
Wanda Jackson
Senior Vice President, Human Resources
Msc Lydia A. Isaac
Vice President, Health Equity And Policy
Danielle Cooper Daughtry
SVP Of Legal Affairs And General Counsel
Leslyn Williams-Mitchell
Senior Director, Operations
De'Alleashea James (Dee)
Manager, Corporate Stewardship Relations
Sidney Evans Jr.
Senior Vice President Finance
Triva John Thomas
Vice President- Budges And Grants