Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF)


The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) is an independent social change organization working to solve UK poverty. Through research, policy, collaboration, and practical solutions, they aim to inspire action and change that will create the prosperous UK without poverty.




Org chart

Paul Kissack
Group Chief Executive

Paul Kissack

Tracey Preece
Director, Finance
Sophia Parker
Director, Emerging Futures
Frank Soodeen
Director, Communications & Public Engagement
Husna Mortuza
Deputy Director, Advocacy & Public Engagement
Chris Birt
Associate Director, Scotland
Victoria Hughes
Programme Lead, Emerging Futures
Rosario Piazza
Chief Insight Architect
Sarah Campbell
Head, Participation & Advocacy
Aleks Collingwood
Partnership Insight Manager
Darren Baxter
Principal Policy Adviser, Housing & Land
Jonathan Levy
Fund Lead
Sepi Noohi
Research & Partnerships Officer, Emerging Futures
Alfie Stirling
Chief Economist & Associate Director, Analysis & Insight
Denise Holle
Head, Social Investment
Yasmin Ibison
Senior Policy Adviser
Daniel Wigglesworth
Head Of Digital Products
Fiona Fischbach
Head Of Planning Performance And Risk

Board & advisors

Will Haire CB
Chair, Trustees & Nominations Committee
Paul Jenkins
Trustee & Chair of Audit & Risk Committee