
1 follower

Travelopia is leading specialist travel groups, providing customers with unique experiences, such as sailing adventures.




Org chart

Profile photo

Andy Duncan

Parik Laxminarayan's profile picture
Parik Laxminarayan
CEO & Co-Founder, Enchanting Travels
Sarah Miles' profile picture
Sarah Miles
Group Chief People Officer
Dominic Binefa's profile picture
Dominic Binefa
Chief Financial Officer
Matt Hill's profile picture
Matt Hill
Chief Operating Officer
Sally Cowdry's profile picture
Sally Cowdry
Chief Customer Officer & MD, Tailormade
Andrew White's profile picture
Andrew White
President, Quark Expeditions
Shelley Cline
President, TCS World Travel
Simon Cross
President, The Moorings & Sunsail
Cheryl Brown
MD, Le Boat
Sam Seward
MD, Adventure Travel
Christine Franks
Corporate Development Director
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