UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC)


The University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) addresses global challenges to peace and prosperity through academically rigorous, policy-relevant research, training, and outreach on international security, economic development, and the environment. IGCC brings scho... Read more






Org chart

Tai Ming Cheung

James Cross
Vice President, Franklin Equity Group
Eli Berman
Research Director For International Security Studies
Emilie M. Hafner - Burton
Research Director For Democracy Studies
Neil Narang
Research Director For U.s. And Global Security Initiatives
Richard Matthew
Research Director For Climate Change And International Security
Stephan Haggard
Research Director For Democracy And Global Governance
Marie Thiveos Stewart
Assistant Director For Programs And Operations
Paddy Ryan
Senior Writer/editor
Arman Rezaee
Assistant Professor, UC Davis
Cervantes Nguyen
Business Officer
Christopher Ojeda
Assistant Professor, UC Merced
Joseph Felter
Lecturer, Stanford University
Robert Thomas
Professor Of Practice, UC San Diego
Agustina Paglayan
Assistant Professor, UC San Diego
Andrew Shaver
Assistant Professor, UC Merced
Gaurav Khanna
Assistant Professor, UC San Diego
Lauren Prather
Associate Professor, UC San Diego
Paul Almeida
Professor, UC Merced
Chi Fang
Graduate Student Researcher