University of Cape Town


The University of Cape Town is a public research university located in Cape Town in the Western Cape province of South Africa.





Org chart

Precious Moloi-Motsepe

Mosa Moshabela
Vice Chancellor
Linda Ronnie
Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Teaching & Learning
Jeff Murugan
Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research & Internationalisation
Vincent Mohau Motholo
Chief Financial Officer
Mughtar Parker
Acting COO
Sarah Archer
Executive Director: Development & Alumni
Ujala Satgoor
Executive Director, University Libraries
Linda Mtwisha
Executive Director, Research
Richard Van Huyssteen
Executive Director, Information & Communication Technology Services
Pura Mgolombane
Executive Director of Student Affairs
Catherine Duggan
Director, Graduate School of Business
Suki Goodman
Dean, Faculty of Commerce
Kasturi Behari-Leak
Dean, Centre for Higher Education Development
Shose Kessi
Dean, Humanities
Alison Lewis
Dean, Engineering & the Built Environment
Rudzani Muloiwa
Head, Paediatrics & Child Health
Mohamed Suhail Rafudeen
Head, Molecular & Cell Biology
Michelle Louw
Head, Commercial Law
Adam Mendelsohn
Head, Historical Studies
Francois Du Toit
Head, Private Law
Cathleen Powell
Head, Public Law
Lydia Cairncross
Head, Surgery
Ilse Lubbe
Head, College of Accounting
Barbara-Anne Boswell
Head, English Literary Studies
Fatima Seedat
Head, African Feminist Studies
Freedom Gumedze
Head, Statistical Sciences
Nancy Odendaal
Head, Architecture, Planning & Geomatics
Dan Stein
Head of Psychiatry & Mental Health
Leon Holtzhausen
Head, Social Development & Social Work
Brandon Collier-Reed
Head, Mechanical Engineering
Zwelethu Jolobe
Head, Political Studies
Faizil Ismail
Head, Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance
Ntobeko Ntusi
Head, Medicine
David Erwin
Head, Mathematics & Applied Mathematics
Siphiwe Dlamini
Head, School of Management Studies
Jayarani Raju
Head, Knowledge & Information Stewardship
Denver Hendricks
Head, Integrative Biomedical Sciences
Maureen Tanner
Head, Information Systems
Jacqueline Marina Van Wyk
Head, Health Sciences Education
Roshan Galvaan
Head, Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
Phil Janney
Head, Geological Sciences
Lucian Jerome Pitt
Head of Finance & Tax
Adam Haupt
Head of Film Media Studies
Frank Eckardt
Head, Environmental & Geographical Science
Azeem Badroodien
Head, Education
Elizabetta Porcu
Head, Department for the Study of Religions
Manya Mooya
Head, Construction Economics & Management
Hussein Suleman
Dean, Faculty of Science
Moegamat Anwar Jardine
Head, Chemistry
Mushi Matjila
Head, Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Komala Pillay
Head, Pathology
Stephen Peterson
Head, Physics
Amrita Pande
Head of Sociology
Deano Stynder
Markus Arnold
Head, Languages & Literature
Delva Shamley
Head, Human Biology
Jean Brundrit
Head, Fine Art
Hedley Twidle
Head, English Literary Studies
Mohamed Azeem Khan
Head, Electrical Engineering
Eftychia Mikolaidou
Head, Economics
Michelle Kuttel
Head, Computer Science
Colin Attwood
Head, Biological Sciences
Sarah-Louise Blyth
Head, Astronomy
Surenden Pillay
Head, African Studies & Linguistics
Marcello Vichi
Head, Oceanography
Abongwe Martina Bangeni
Head, Academic Development Programme
Fiona Chilwell Ross
Head, Anthropology
Franklin-Kennedy Asonzeh Ukah
Head, Department for the Study of Religions
John Ritchie
Head, Philosophy
Libo Msengana-Bam
Executive Director: Communication & Marketing