
Explore 4,166 companies in Denmark

Arla Foods Ingredients is a global leader in improving premium nutrition. Together with our customers, research partners, suppliers, NGOs and others, we discover and deliver ingredients and products that can advance lifelong nutrition for the benefit of consumers around the world.​ A passion for pr

Det Kongelige Teater er Danmarks nationalscene. Teatret producerer scenekunst af høj kunstnerisk kvalitet inden for skuespil, ballet, opera og klassiske koncerter. Teateret viderefører klassiske traditioner og udvikler den nutidige scenekunst til et bredt publikum. Det Kongelige Teater er fra 1748 o

Moalem Weitemeyer is a dedicated Tier 1 Corporate M&A law firm with strong international relations. We operate an experienced Disputes & Investigations team. We have all the legal support areas required to deliver first-in-class advice to our clients across any sector and industry. We are a profes

ReDI School of Digital Integration is a non-profit organization with focus on digital empowerment of women with refuge and immigrant status in Copenhagen. We provide talented women with free, high-quality training and the chance to join the digital industry.



FOA er Danmarks tredjestørste fagforbund - med ca. 189.000 medlemmer fordelt på 41 afdelinger. Størstedelen er ansat i kommuner og regioner og en mindre del er privat ansatte. FOAs medlemmer passer børn, plejer patienter på hospitaler og plejehjem, slukker brande,yder hjælp og service til ældre

Ejner Hessel


Selskabets formål er handel, håndværk og industri samt finansieringsvirksomhed



Selskabets formål er at være holdingselskab i form af besiddelse af kapitalinteresser i datterselskaber, der udøver forsynings- eller kommerciel virksomhed samt at varetage ledelse, administration, teknisk service og finansiel virksomhed for selskaberne i TRE-FOR koncernen, at eje, udleje og adminis

Sparekassens formål er at drive pengeinstitutvirksomhed samt anden virksomhed, der er accessorisk hertil.

Effective People


Effective People believes that the best-run businesses are those that focus on utilizing their technology to support their people—not the other way around. We help our clients plan and execute successful digital transformation journeys while offering continued support and application management serv

Harboes Bryggeri


Harboe's Bryggeri A/S has a long tradition of being among the front runners in the European brewery sector. Since the early beginning in 1883, Harboe has gradually expanded its activities from a local Danish brewery to a modern, international beverage group with subsidiaries in 5 countries and busin

OK a.m.b.a.


Selskabets formål er at handle med energiprodukter og produkter og tjenesteydelser relateret hertil samt at drive transportvirksomhed og anden virksomhed, med eller uden forbindelse med hovedformålet. Selskabet kan foretage investering i andre selskaber.

Capital Four


Capital Four is an independent industry-leading credit asset management boutique rooted in Scandinavian culture. We are focused on finding the right solutions for our clients by carefully considering their needs and requirements. We leverage over 20 years of experience, enabling us to find new pers

ZILLION Consulting Group is a fast-growing Scandinavian based consultancy established to support business organisations in end-to-end transformations. Through exclusive collaboration with highly recognized professionals, we offer the most recent know-how and outstanding expertise to help industrial

C WorldWide Asset Management is a focused and independent asset manager. Our objective is to deliver consistent, long term asset growth for our clients. The combination of a unique investment philosophy based on careful stock-picking and long-term global trends coupled with a stable team of experien



MapsPeople develops a cloud-based SaaS indoor navigation platform that allows end-users to easily navigate large and complex buildings.



Andel er en energi- og fibernetkoncern. Vi driver Danmarks længste elnet, tilbyder lynhurtigt internet, udruller ladeinfrastruktur til elbiler og skaber energirigtige løsninger til hjemmet og arbejdspladsen. - Vi arbejder for at skabe velfærd og vækst gennem vital infrastruktur og vedvarende energi



Monta is an all-in-one EV charging app made by EV drivers, for EV drivers. As the EV market worldwide is experiencing an unstoppable growth, we want to provide all electric car drivers with the best and smoothest charging experience. In order to support this green and global change, Monta is work



HARCO Heavy Lifting is a team of specialists witin handling, servicing and installing offshore wind turbines. By applying our extensive experience, we assist our customers in achieving their goals. We are experts in conducting service, repairs and mobilization of offshore equipment - and we serve as



Totalkredit bygger på et unikt samarbejde. Lokale og regionale pengeinstitutter – der til dagligt konkurrerer benhårdt om kunderne – har siden 1990 samarbejdet om at tilbyde deres privatkunder realkreditlån fra Totalkredit. Dermed får kunderne gode og sunde realkreditprodukter kombineret med perso

DAT-Schaub Group


The DAT-Schaub Group is a World leader in the natural and artificial casing industry.



BLÜCHER - Keeping up the flow BLÜCHER was founded in 1965 by Johannes Blücher Skibild, a skilled and visionary plumber with both feet on the ground. Today, BLÜCHER is one of Europe's leading producers of stainless steel drainage systems with subsidiaries and sales offices across Europe, in Russia,



OM BANEDANMARK Banedanmark er en landsdækkene virksomhed, med 2.256 engagerede medarbejdere, som arbejder hver dag året rundt for, at togtrafikken kan afvikles smidigt og til tiden. Vi styrer og overvåger togtrafikken, hvor mere end 3.000 tog hver dag...



Netic hjælper offentlige og private virksomheder med løsninger indenfor Applikationsdrift, Cloud Operations og Hosting - naturligvis tilpasset kundens ønsker og behov. Der ud over tilbyder vi også vores ekspertise indenfor softwareudvikling og konsulentydelser. Baseret på vores mangeårige erfaring

Autorola Group


Autorola is a global leader in online remarketing and automotive IT solutions for used vehicles and fleet management. Headquartered in Denmark, it employs over 750 people worldwide and has more than 20 subsidiaries across Europe, North America, Latin America & Asia-Pacific including a new business i

Artelia Denmark


Artelia is one of Denmark’s largest multidisciplinary consulting engineering companies with more than 1,100 employees spread across offices in Denmark. Artelia is part of Artelia Group, an international multidisciplinary consultancy, engineering and project management group specialising in the sect

We make people’s dream of having a child come true by providing a wide selection of high-quality, extensively screened sperm and egg donors of all ethnicities and phenotypes. WORK WITH US Give your patients the world’s largest selection of sperm donors, and high-quality egg donors. Get a trust



Trustpilot is a leading online collaboration platform. Trustpilot's mission is to upgrade the world by bringing businesses and people closer together, to create ever-improving experiences for everyone.



Vi leverer grøn energi - el, vand, varme og lys. Vores kerneforretning er at drive og udvikle bæredygtig, kritisk infrastruktur. Vi udvikler og etablerer grønne energianlæg til industri og forsyning i ind- og udland. Vi er blandt Europas førende leverandører af bæredygtig, certificeret biomasse ti

DK Company A/S


DK COMPANY IS A MULTI BRAND FASHION GROUP EST. 2001 Since its inception in 2001, DK Company has grown to become one of Europe’s leading suppliers of fashion and lifestyle brands catering to men and women. We offer fashion based on value for money and luxury for less. With an efficient and cost

Global Fashion Agenda is a platform that brings professionals to collaborate with the fashion industry internally to share their knowledge.

Nature Energy


Nature Energy is the global leader in biomethane production from organic waste and the pioneer in "Biogas 2.0." We transform waste products and biological waste from agriculture, and private households into a sustainable supply of energy in the form of biogas. Simultaneously, we return the de-gassed

Pingala A/S


Pingala is an oasis for the most talented consultants specialized in Microsoft Dynamics Business Applications, Power Platform and Business Intelligence operating in Denmark, Norway and Dubai. We have won the Børsen Gazelle 10 times in a row for our growth, but our purpose is in creating the best wo

Arriva Danmark


Arriva has been part of the public transport in Denmark since 1997 and is today Denmark's largest bus company and most punctual train company.



We champion connecting your devices to your cloud. We do it globally. We do it smart. And we keep it simple.



At NORNORM, our ambition for today’s workspaces is simple: integrate circularity into their foundation and demonstrate how it can benefit individuals, design, business practices and the environment.We provide businesses with affordable workspace solutions that meet their needs as they change. From p



PANDORA designs, manufactures and markets hand-finished and contemporary jewellery made from high-quality materials at affordable prices. PANDORA jewellery is sold in more than 100 countries on six continents through more than 7,700 points of sale, including more than 2,500 concept stores.



3Shape award-winning dental 3D scanners, CAD/CAM & other digital solutions help dentists and orthodontists digitize dentistry & improve patient experience.



TimeXtender, through its automated data management platform, empowers customers with instant access to data that is ready for analysis, enabling them to make quality business decisions with data, mind and heart. We do this for one simple reason: because time matters. A Microsoft Gold Certified Partn

Per Aarsleff


Aarsleff-koncernen opererer på internationalt niveau inden for anlæg og byggeri med udgangspunkt i en førende position i Danmark

TJ Squared ApS


PRESENT IN MORE THAN 15,000 STORE WINDOWS AROUND THE WORLD, YOU HAVE SURELY COME ACROSS UNIQUE CUSTOM-MADE VISUAL MERCHANDISING CAMPAIGNS MADE BY TJ SQUARED. Our strategically designed business model for international brands offers the ultimate creative freedom and enables the most original and com

Toms Group A/S


At Toms we make cozy moments tasteful. As an employee at Toms you will be part of a company that actively secures sustainability, from our cocoa farmers in Ghana to our high quality brands on your coffee table. Founded in 1924 Toms has strong roots to reach for the sky. And we need people with win



TV SYD er en del af TV 2 Regionerne. Vores mediehus er beliggende i Kolding, men vi har også tre lokalredaktioner i henholdsvis Horsens, Esbjerg og Sønderborg. Vi dækker i alt 14 kommuner i Syd- og Sønderjylland, den sydligste del af Øst- og Midtjylland og Sydslesvig. Vi er tæt på 100 ansatte, der

Oplev vores store udvalg af BT og Toyota palleløftere, stablere og gaffeltruck af høj kvalitet, samt lejetruck, brugte truck og truckservice.

Omnigame ApS


Omnigame is to develop self-produced, innovative, and entertaining games. They all working hard on their upcoming games, which will be some of the most entertaining and visually appealing feature games. They take their games very seriously and are constantly striving to outperform ourselves and crea



XCI provides software to transform cybercrime investigations using artificial intelligence. Their passion lies in software automation, cyber security, and artificial intelligence. With automation and machine learning technology at its heart, they develop products that help organizations investigate



Welcome to Molo's Linkedin page. Here you can get the most important news about Molo and the world that surrounds and inspires us. Our philosophy is simple; children’s design on children’s terms! We believe that children’s clothing has to be designed on children’s terms so they can express their

ABC leverer værdi til vores kunder gennem effektive, kreative og optimerede løsninger. Vores leverancemodel bygger på agilitet og faglig dybde, og prioriterer tætte relationer med vores kunder og samarbejdspartnere. Gennem tværfaglig projektstyring samarbejder ABC med et netværk af specialiserede r

Maternity Foundation is an international organisation, committed to ensuring safer childbirths for women and their newborns, everywhere. Read more about our work at:

Sparekassens formål er at drive pengeinstitutvirksomhed samt anden ifølge pengeinstitutlovgivningen tilladt virksomhed.