Beliv Company


What dreams may come. We were born in Central America, a magic land, full of color, happiness, variety of fruits and natural resources all year round. One simple idea; take the best our land has to offer to evolve the way to quench your thirst. Our path has taken us to create a beverage portfolio... Read more





Org chart

Carlos Sluman
Chief Executive Officer

Carlos Sluman

Reinaldo Padua
Chief Brand Officer
Rodrigo Azambuja
President, US
Roberto Gallardo
Chief Operating Officer
Gustavo Alvarado
Data Driven & Digital Transformation Director
Ryan J. della Penna
Executive Vice President Of Sales
Clayton Santos
Head Of Research And Development
Alexis Korman
Co-founder & VP Marketing, Big Easy (a Beliv Company)
Desiree Sanchis
US Vice President Of Marketing
Francisco Pages de Arteaga
Marketing Vice President
Gabriela Angelie Santiago Rivera
Brand Performance Analyst