Brotherhood Mutual



Brotherhood Mutual insures churches and related ministries, providing property and liability insurance, commercial auto insurance, foreign missions and travel insurance, and workers' compensation insurance.





Org chart

Mark A. Robison
Chairman & President

Mark A. Robison

Josh Spencer
Chief Actuary, VP, Research & Development
Michael J. Allison
VP, Chief Counsel & Secretary
Abel Travis
SVP, Affiliate Operations
Scott A. Figgins
SVP, Insurance Operations
Matthew G. Hirschy
SVP & Treasurer
Dan Book
VP, Sales
Dustin Grogg
VP, Underwriting
Jennifer Hansen
VP, Finance
Mitzi Thomas
VP, Marketing
Dave Lantz
VP, Claims
Daryl Pannabecker
VP, Information Technology
Kathleen J. Turpin
VP, Human Resources
Steve Case
AVP, Senior Corporate Counsel
Chris Harvey
AVP, IT, Network Architecture
Mark Landrigan
AVP, MinistryWorks
Thomas Lichtenberger
AVP, Property Claims
Jeff Renbarger
AVP, Marketing & Communications
Matthew Zurbuch
AVP, Investments
Kevin Schichner
AVP, IT Application Architecture
Jason Brown
AVP, Aggregator Operations
Jordan Givan
AVP, Research & Development
Lisa Jackson
AVP & Senior Corporate Counsel
Joshua Lederman
AVP, Casualty Claims