Children's Bureau of Southern California


Since 1904, Children's Bureau of Southern California has been a nonprofit leader in protecting vulnerable children through prevention, treatment and advocacy. The agency is unique in that it focuses on three key areas for creating impact: strengthening families & communities with direct services & p... Read more





Org chart

Ronald E. Brown, Ph.D
President & CEO

Ronald E. Brown, Ph.D

Ignacio Plascencia
Associate Director Human Resources
Susan Wirth
Senior Director Of Marketing Communications
Isabel Galbraith
Associate Director Of Institutional Giving & Research
Patrick Smith
Project Last Program Director
Sara la Croix
Director For Strategies TA And The Los Angeles County Child Abuse Prevention Councils
Adam Seiden
Director Of Policy Advocacy And External Engagement
Andrea Zarate Lcsw
Associate Director Of Behavioral Health Services
Michele Essex
Program Manager
Maria M.
Development Operations Assistant
Christopher Mullen
Director Of Information Systems
Antonio Salgado (tony)
Mental Health Intake Therapist
Cathy Allan
Foster Care/adoption Program Coordinator
Cindy Stogel
Foster Care / Adoption Coordinator
Crystal Dayvolt
Foster Care And Adoption Social Worker
Amft Diana Blanco Apcc
Outpatient Mental Health Therapist
Dsw Dr. Monika Ortega Gonzalez
Mental Health Therapist
Flor Checa
Mental Health Therapist APSS
Jessica Lopez
Mental Health Therapist
Jose Turcios
Bilingual Mental Health Clinician
Oscar Mojica
Health Educator
Tammy Dietrich
Mental Health Clinician - Independent Contractor
Vicenta L.
Mental Health Outpatient Therapist
Violetta Ginis M.a, Lmft
Mental Health Therapist