City of Bangor, Maine


The City of Bangor, Maine is a service center community of 33,039 residents and is the county seat of Penobscot County. Bangor is the major commercial and cultural center for much of northern and eastern Maine. The City is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.

Org chart

Debbie Laurie
City Manager

Debbie Laurie

Anne Krieg
Director Of Community & Economic Development
Courtney O'Donnell
Assistant City Manager/ Human Resources Director
Kevin P. Kipler
Ramp Services Manager
Jamie Comstock
Health Promotion Manager
Gibran Graham
City Councilor
Lisa G.
City Clerk
Kyle Hayward
Police Officer
Toni Davis
Public Safety Dispatcher
Anja Collette
Planning Officer
Cheri Sikes
Admin Asst./cost Accountant/transcriptionist
Rick Fournier
City Council Chair
Bradley Moore
Superintendent WWTP
Adam Morgan
Environmental And Safety Specialist