City of Grand Rapids


Grand Rapids is the second-largest city in Michigan, and the largest city in West Michigan. It is on the Grand River about 30 miles east of Lake Michigan and three hours from Chicago. The City’s population is 198,829 and covers an area of 45 square miles. The combined statistical area of Grand Rapi... Read more





Org chart

David LaGrand

Mark Washington
City Manager
Max Frantz
City Comptroller
John Globensky
City Treasurer
Joel Hondorp
City Clerk
John McNaughton
Grand Rapids Public Library Director
Peggy Korzen
Executive Director Pension Systems
Sherry Batzer
Director of Legal Affairs, Municipal Affairs

Board & advisors

Aliciamarie Belchak
1st Ward Commissioner
Drew Robbins
1st Ward Commissioner
Lisa Knight
2nd Ward Commissioner
Milinda Ysasi
2nd Ward Commissioner
Kelsey Perdue
3rd Ward Commissioner
Rachel S. Anderson
President, Board of Library Commissioners
Kelly Boston
VP & Secretary, Board of Library Commissioners
Deborah Bose
Board of Library Commissioners
James Botts
Board of Library Commissioners
Sophia Ward Brewer
Board of Library Commissioners
Kathryn Dilley
Board of Library Commissioner
Sheila García Mazari
Board of Library Commissioners
Marshall Kilgore
3rd Ward Commissioner