Exact Sales


Exact Sales develops and offers cloud-based sales and pre-sales software for boosting sales for small and medium-sized businesses.






Org chart

Theo Orosco
Sócio-fundador | CEO

Theo Orosco

Carlos Rodrigues
Lead Development Representative | Key Account Analyst
Danielle Araujo
Lead Development Representative - Key Account Analist
Eder Maurílio Soares
Manager, Customer Success
Felipe Roman
Co-founder, CTO, Board member
Rodrigo Góes
Chief Financial Officer| Corporate Controller
Jéssica Garcia
Technical Support Lead
Kim Batista
Principal Engineer
Laura Maria Teixeira
Designer Visual
Osvaldo Capelari
Special Projects & Head of Events
Pâmila Scouto
Customer Success Manager | Squad Leader
Implementation Success Manager
Bruna Sartori
Gerente de Marketing
Joyce Medeiros
Marketing Ops
Kauane Lahr
Inbound Marketing Analyst
Tainá Gonçalves
Analista de marketing
André Leonardo
Back Office
Deise Zini
Project implementer
Gabriel Rivera Martinez
Business Development Representative
João Batista
Business Development Representative
Lucas Maestri Stahelin
Business Development Representative
Luiz Fernandes
Business Development Representative
Mateus Nobre
Consultor De Vendas
Natalia Barbosa
Líder De Pré-vendas
T Cristina Anhalt
Líder De Pré-vendas
Vinícius De Paula
Business Development Representative
Kélen Santos
Business Development Representative
Vitor Rossi
Customer Success Operations
Denilson Naibert Jr.
Business Development Representative