Lutheran Health Network


Lutheran Health Network is a family of more than 6,000 employees, physicians, advanced practice providers and volunteers dedicated to providing compassionate, quality care with the best possible experience to every patient, every time. As a taxpaying, integrated healthcare delivery system and one of... Read more





Org chart

Scott Teffeteller
Chief Executive Officer

Scott Teffeteller

Dustin Baughman
Business Office Director
Kyle Carter
Human Resources Director
Robert Alexander Armentrout
Technical Director / Education Coordinator
Ross Brodhead
Market Human Resources Director
Sheryl McKinnon
Lutheran Health Network Director Of Clinical Education
Asim A. Mohammed
Medical Director Of Transplant And MCS Program
Fugate Tina
Market Director Urgent Care & Occupational Health
Hollie Ryan-Butler
Director Of Medical Staff Development
Krystal Miller
Market Director Of Medical Staff Services
Andrea King
VP Of Operations - Information Systems
Megan Martin
Chief Operating Officer
Drew Snyder Mba, Rhia
Market Director Of Decision Support
Ryan Teagno
Market Clinical Director - Pharmacy
Karen Till
Regional Director Of Finance
Lesley Rohrbaugh
Director Of Professional Outreach At Lutheran Kosciusko Hospital
Meredith Stout
Director Of Professional Outreach
Seth Bard
Director Of Clinical Outreach
Zachary Rekeweg
Chief Compliance And Privacy Officer
Cindy Snyder
Accounts Payable Clerk
Amy Stewart
Communications Coordinator