For more than 50 years it has been our mission to provide our customers with the best tool for cooking. Starting out in 1973 with only 18 employees, our success has been built on an unwavering commitment to a shared goal of continually creating value for our customers. Yet our company has never jus... Read more





Org chart

Peter Stadelmann

Reto Huerlimann
Managing Director Switzerland / Geschäftsführer Schweiz
Dwayne Botchar
Vice President Of Global Learning Solutions, Sales & Marketing
Craig Rothenberger
Vice President Of Service - North America
Christoph Ordner
Vice President Customer Journey Management
Robert Munday
Exec. VP Marketing & Customer Solutions
Harald Greiner
Executive Vice President Production&delivery Process
Jens Schulte
Executive Vice President IT / CIO
Oliver Merz
Chief Information Security Officer
Markus Haustein
Executive Vice President Accounting / Tax / Treasury & Compliance
Franziska Anthauer
EVP People Operations/personalleiterin
Heike Lucas
Creative Director
Kai Wozinski
Digital Customer Experience
Clarissa Portal de la Cruz
Managing Director -mexico
Okan Ozturk
Managing Director
Fabio Berlese
Corporate Internal Auditor
Glacy Leitao
Service Administrator
Patricia Hagl
Strategisches Qualitätsmanagement / Strategic Quality Management