Saint Mary's School in Raleigh, NC is a private, Episcopal, college-prep, boarding and day school dedicated to academic excellence for girls in grades 9-12.





Org chart

Adam Holden
Head of School

Adam Holden

Kate McCard
Head, Dormitory
Kayla Wyscarver
Instructor of Seminar & Dorm Head
Matthew Olesnevich
Assistant Head for Student Affairs & Residential Faculty
Anne Aichele
Dean of Student Experience & Residential Faculty
Jessica Campbell
Dean of Academic Innovation & Residential Faculty
Hunt Heffner
Dean of College Counseling
Robin Conklin
Director of Binder Health Center
Teresa Assenzo
Director of Visual Arts, Instructor of Visual & Performing Arts
Lauren Marquez
Director of Educational Technology & Instructor of Science
D. Michelle Pearson
Director of Dance & Instructor of Visual & Performing Arts
Michelle Wells
Theatre Director & Instructor of Dramatic Arts
Diana Williams
Director of Sarah Graham Kenan Library
Danielle Tanner
Associate Director, College Counseling
Ashleigh N. Doyle
Assistant Director of Learning Support Services
Ryan Allison
Director, Global Enrollment Marketing & Communications
Jennifer Moran
Academic Chair, for Visual & Performing Arts, Instructor of Voice, & Director of Music
Suzanne Narbona
Academic Chair & Instructor of World Languages
Heather Ramee
Academic Chair, Seminar Program & Seminar Instructor
Jeremy A. Jernigan
Instructor of Humanities & Social Sciences
Sarah Anne Watkins
Instructor of Science
Iker Sedeño
Instructor of World Languages, Spanish
Weldon Byrtus
Anna N. Golwitzer
Admission Counselor, International Boarding