United States Soccer Federation (USSF)


United States Soccer Federation (USSF) is the official provider of news, information and live feeds on soccer.




Org chart

Profile photo

JT Batson

Cindy Parlow Cone's profile picture
Cindy Parlow Cone
President Of United States Soccer Federation
Ross Moses' profile picture
Ross Moses
Vice President, Business Ventures
Neil Buethe's profile picture
Neil Buethe
Chief Communications Officer
Shari Summers' profile picture
Shari Summers
Chief Soccer Growth Officer
Abe Geiger's profile picture
Abe Geiger
Chief Product Officer
Chelle Adams' profile picture
Chelle Adams
Chief Financial Officer
David A. Wright
Chief Commercial Officer
Skye Reymond
Director Of Data Science
Ryan Guill
U.s. Mens Soccer Regional Lead Video Scout
Lisa Bettinger-Buckingham
Chief Human Resources Officer
J. Carlos Kuri
Chief Legal Officer
Turan Mullins
Vice President, Inclusion & Engagement
Renee T.
Vp, Safeguarding Prevention & Education
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