World Evangelical Alliance


Established in 1846, the WEA unites, serves and speaks as a trusted voice for over 600 million evangelical Christians in more than 140 countries.





Org chart

Thomas Schirrmacher
Secretary General & CEO of the World Evangelical Alliance

Thomas Schirrmacher

Cinzia Wieland
Finance And Organizational Development Manager
Hannes Thull
Bruce Barron
Senior Editor
Dallas Pitts
Book Review Editor
Dr. Esther Schirrmacher
Islamic Relations Coordinator
Godfrey Yogarajah
Ambassador For Religious Freedom
Kyle Wisdom
Deputy Coordinator For Engaging Humanitarian Islam WEA
Mark Abhishek Das
Communication And Membership Coordinator
Markus Stefan Hofer
UN Communications And Advocacy Officer
Matthieu Volet
Refugee Advocacy Officer
Mike Gabriel
Research And Coordinating Officer
Lpt Rei Lemuel Crizaldo
Theological Commission Coordinator
Richard Kirenga
Administration & Communications Coordinator
Thomas K Johnson
Religious Freedom Ambassador To The Vatican
Timo Plutschinski
WEA Business Coalition
Gaetan Roy
Permanent Representative To The United Nations In Geneva
John Girgis
Permanent Representative Of The WEA To The Un-ny