American Beverage


The American Beverage Association is the trade association that represents America's non-alcoholic beverage industry. ABA was founded in 1919 as the American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages, and renamed the National Soft Drink Association in 1966. Today the ABA represents hundreds of beverage pro... Read more


United States




Org chart

Kevin Keane
President & CEO

Kevin Keane

William Dermody
Vice President, Media And Public Affairs
Amy Hancock
Executive Vice President/general Counsel
Robb Micek
Executive Vice President Chief Financial Officer
Maia Jack
Chief Science And Regulatory Officer
Merideth Potter
Senior Vice President, Public Affairs
Leah Bebee
Executive Assistant To The President And CEO
Bill McManus
Vice President, External Affairs
Allison Starmann
General Counsel And Executive Vice President Of Legal And Regulatory
Barbara Hiden
VP Federal Affairs
Franklin Davis
Vice President, Federal Government Relations
Megan Daum
Vice President, Sustainability
Sandra Grance
Vice President, State Government Affairs - East