Baruch College

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Originally founded as the Business College of the City College of New York, Baruch College serves as one of New York City's flagship public colleges.




Org chart

S. David Wu

S. David Wu

Linda Essig
Provost & SVP for Academic Affairs
James Mccarthy
Interim Provost & SVP for Academic Affairs
Kenya Nyota Lee
Chief of Staff
Christina Latouf
VP for Communications, External Relations & Economic Development
Mary Gorman
VP for Enrollment Management & Strategic Academic Initiatives
David Shanton
Vice President for College Advancement
Alaina Gilligo
VP for Operations & Administration
Olga Dais
AVP, Legal Counsel & Labor Designee
H. Fenwick Huss
Willem Kooyker Dean, Zicklin School of Business
Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Dean, Weissman School of Arts & Sciences
Jessica Lang
Dean, Weissman School of Arts & Sciences
Sherry Ryan
Marxe Dean, Marxe School of Public & International Affairs
Bruce W. Weber
Willem Kooyker Dean, Zicklin School of Business
Lakisha Skrine
Executive Director, Human Resources
Anita Dwyer
Executive Assistant