
1 follower

Norstella help patients gain access to life-saving therapies, provides life sciences clients with the right tools and expertise to navigate complexities at each step of the drug development life cycle, from pipeline to patient.






Org chart

Michael Gallup

Amie Podolak
Senior Vice President Marketing
Peter V.
Head Of Privacy
Gregory Hanscom
Head Of Employment Law, Litigation & Corporate Governance
Rebecca Mayfield
Global Head Of Compliance & ESG | Legal Counsel
Brandon Richards
Managing Partner, Consulting Operations & Talent Strategy
Akshay Dhawan
VP Data Science - RWD
Rahul Das
Vice President, AI And Life Sciences Solutions
Maureen Ladouceur
Executive Vice President & Global Chief Commercial Officer
Jon Poshywak
Vice President, Corporate Partnerships
Chris Houlder
Chief Information Security Officer
Kevin Morgan
Chief Data Operations Officer
Matthew Brown
Chief Software Architect
Kris Kaneta
Global Chief Product Officer
Kevin McCurry
Chief Strategy Officer
David Mazzola
Head Of Treasury
Núria Coderch
Head Of International Tax
Brooke Steinhour
Learning Analyst
Armughan Rafat
Chief Analytics Officer