Satellite Healthcare Inc.


Satellite Healthcare Inc. provides patient-centered dialysis and kidney disease services.





Org chart

Jeffrey Goffman

Ravin Bisla
SVP, Growth Initiatives & CDO for National Nephrology Alliance
Cassandra Pullen
VP, Risk Management & Chief Compliance Officer
Susie Soares-Phillips
SVP, Health Services
Sree Kamojjala
VP, Software Engineering & Enterprise Applications
Devorah Ritchie
Senior Kidney Care Manager
Meaghan Simpson
Curriculum Developer And Project Lead
Nikki Boudreaux
Senior Director, Business Transformation
Stacy Brandt
Senior Director Stategic Operations
Colin Germer
Revenue Cycle Manager
Jerry Barnes
Vice President Of Operations, Value Based Care
Jamie Shelton
Clinical Manager
John Wallace
Clinic Manager
Jacqueline Javier-Burns
Senior Clinical Staff Level II
Mary Margaret Kipp
Certified Nephrology Nurse, Clinical Manager, Director Of Patient Advocacy
Mason Harrell
Medical Director, Employee Health
Fritzie Ramos
Senior Kidney Care Manager
Ishrag Khababa
Sr. Director Patient Experience And Administrative Services
Caroline Joves
Dialysis Home Therapy Expert Center Manager
Jose Sanchez
Vice President Finance
Darla Sourjohn
Senior Director Of Finance At Satellite Healthcare/wellbound
Harita Bajaj
Accounting And Special Projects Manager
Gary Joslin
Regional Vice President Of Operations
Jay G.
Regional VP Of Operations
Payam Pardis
Vice President Of Business Development
Rick Stotz
Regional Vice President
Iuliana Harsan
Senior Director Of Operations
Stephanie Higginbotham
Director Of Operations
Pattie Walczewski
HR Manager - Programs & Insights
Fe Moren
Director Of In-center Training And Education
Michael B.
Director Of Talent Acquisitoin
Sarah Stabenow
Senior Director, Training And Education
Diana Thomasson
Manager, HR Total Rewards
Philip Natale
Director IT PMO And Governance
Deepa Ramaswamy
Medical Director Satellite Dialysis