United Way of Metro Chicago


At United Way, our goal is not to return to normal, because normal didn’t provide opportunities for all our neighbors. Our goal is to create a vibrant Chicago region where all our neighbors have access to the resources they need to thrive. Our goal is to build back better by ensuring all individuals... Read more


Chicago, US




Org chart

Sean Garrett
President & CEO

Sean Garrett

Jackie G.
Vice President, Marketing And Communications
Jeffrey Gawel Pmp
Chief Information & Technology Officer
Ronald Denard
Chief Financial Officer
Tamiya Aurel (She/Her)
Chief People & Equity Officer
Emily Nasatir
Associate Vice President Of Corporate Engagement And Philanthropy
Chris Preston
Chief Development Officer
Debbie Thornton
Executive Assistant
Caitlin Closser Peart
Director, Strategic Initiatives
Morlie Patel
Director Of Civic & Partner Engagement
Gus Fuguitt
Director Of Labor Partnerships
Kimberlee Guenther
Chief Impact Officer