Women in Big Data


Women in Big Data helps to encourage and attract more female talents to the big data and analytics field.






Org chart

Radhika Rangarajan
Co-Founder & CEO

Radhika Rangarajan

Shala Arshi
Co-Founder & President
Anushri Poonia
Core Team Lead
Caroline Levy
Chapter Lead
Deborah Sgro
Global Mentoring Director
Deborah Wiltshire
Co-Founder Women in Big Data
Elaine Kwok
Head of Global Marketing, Co-Founding Team Member, Advisory Board Member
Eliana C.
Director And Core Member | Driving Diversity In Tech
Ioana Margareta Ion
Chapter Lead in London and EMEA Core Leadership Team
Jane Alexander
Australia Lead
Lilian Lau
Toronto Chapter Founder & Chair
Maleeha Q.
Founder and Director - WiBD Midwest Region & Wisconsin Chapter
Meena Arunachalam
Lead for Americas
Soumyasree Vinod
Global Data Director
Srujana Reddy
Lead Product Manager
Tina Tang
Co-Founder and Chair
Tina Rosario
Executive Board Member and European Regional Director