AquaQ Analytics


AquaQ Analytics Limited is a software company and provider of specialist Big Data and Real Time Analytics services to clients operating within the capital markets and other sectors. Our domain knowledge, combined with advanced analytical techniques and expertise in best-of-breed technologies, helps... Read more





Org chart

Steve Turner OLY
Chief Executive Officer

Steve Turner OLY

Gary Davies
Head of Time Series Data
Jemma White
Chief Financial Officer
Chantelle Workman
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Meabh McMahon
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Steven Johnston
Director of Business Development
Ajay Thomas
Cloud Architect
Andrew Downie
KDB+ Engineer
Andrew Johnston
kdb+ Developer
Andrew McNaught
Financial Software Developer
Andrew Wilson
Senior KDB+ Developer & Line Manager
Anna Andrews
Associate kdb+ Developer
Áine Laverty
Kdb+ Developer
Caitlin Mcilwaine
Graduate kdb+ developer
Cara Harley
Associate kdb+ Developer
Christopher McKenzie
Software Developer
Cianan Richman
Software Developer
Ciarán Donnelly
Associate kdb+ Developer
Claire Poland
KDB+ Developer
Cormac O'Neill
kdb+ Developer
Cormac Ross
KDB+ Developer
Craig Neubieser
Financial Software Developer
Criomhthann Murtagh
Kdb+ Developer
David Edwards
KDB Developer
Dominic Reynolds
Junior Full Stack Developer
Elliot Tennison
Mid kdb+ Developer
Emanuele Santiano
Associate kdb+ Developer
Emma Goodwin
kdb+ Developer
Conor Cox
Kdb+ Developer
Gavin Stewart
Senior Developer
Hannah Storeng
kdb+ Developer
Harry Brankin
Java Developer
Heather Carson
kdb+ Developer
Hugo Lowe
Graduate kdb+ Software Developer
Ian Bell
Software Consultant
Jack Houlihan
kdb Developer
James Carton
Financial Software Developer
James Massey
Kdb+ developer
James McBriarty
kdb+ Developer
James Tennyson
Kdb+ Developer
Jamie Lamont
kdb+ Developer
Jemma Borland
Financial Software Developer
Joel Pullin
Kdb+ Developer
Jonathon McMurray
Senior kdb+ Developer
Josef Baines
Financial Software Developer
Joseph Edwards
Associate KDB Developer
Katie James
Financial Software Developer (kdb+)
Keith Mc Conigly
Senior Java Developer
Leah Carragher
Financial Software Developer
Mannix McAlister
KDB+ Developer
Mathieu Nagle
KDB Developer
Matthew Clark
Associate kdb+ Developer
Matthew Clarke
Mid kdb+ Developer
Matthew Deshpande
kdb+ Developer
Matthew Hamill
Financial Software Developer
Matthew Getty
Financial Technologies Developer
Melissa Walls
Software Engineer
Michael Bratton
Senior Software Engineer
Michael Turkington
Mid-level kdb+ developer
Morris Stranger
Kdb Developer
Niall Brady
Associate Kdb+ Developer
Niamh Crossan
Kdb+ Developer
Nicholas Ordonez
Software Developer
Nithya Srinivasan
Senior Software Engineer
Oisin Connery
Mid-Level Software Engineer
Pearse McIlhone
Java Software Developer
Peter Spiers
kdb+ Developer
PJ Boyce
Kdb+ Developer
Raveena Rani
Software Developer
Robert Sketch
Kdb+ Developer
Sam McGinn
Software Developer
Samuel Prescott
Kdb+ Developer
Sarah Mclean
Kdb+ Developer
Scott Quigley
Financial Software Developer
Shane Lawless
Financial Software Developer
Stephen McCrory
Java Software Developer
Tara Warren
Kdb+ Developer
Tin-Pui Chan
Financial Software Developer
Unnimaya Das
Financial Software Developer
Felix Ellis
KDB Developer
Maurice Lim
Financial Software Mid Developer
Fearghall Kelly
Java Developer