SAP.iO is SAP’s strategic business unit to incubate, accelerate and scale startup innovation and explore new business models for SAP. Since 2017, SAP.iO has helped 300+ external startups and internal ventures both start and scale their businesses while enabling thousands of SAP customers to access i... Read more






Org chart

Margaret Posthauer
Founder & CEO of CN2

Margaret Posthauer

Aravind Govindan
Head of Innovation
Alina Chaika
Portfolio Development Lead for SAP.iO Intrapreneurship
Bram Purnot
Co-Founder & Head of Engineering & Technology @ Encore by SAP
Catherine Girardin
Education Lead - SAP.iO Intrapreneurship
Edward (EJ) Kosec
Co-Founder & General Manager - Encore by SAP
Edwin Gonzalez
Director, SAP.iO Foundry - Latin America & Caribbean
Gabriel Mazor
Value Creation Manager, SAP.iO Foundry Tel-Aviv
Inbar Yacoby
Director, SAP.iO Foundry Tel Aviv
Joachim von Goetz
Global Vice President, Head of Intrapreneurship
Joy Mountford
Vice President, ICN
Nikolay Starikov
Technical Lead
Steven Tong
Director, SAP.iO Foundry Singapore
Lior Weizman
Director, SAP.iO Rising Stars
Paul White
Vice President of Business Development
Hope Bailey
Go-To-Market Advisory Council
Lisa Labath
Market Insights & Trend Analysis Manager