
1 follower

Based out of Richmond, TemperPack is a materials engineering and manufacturing company looking to disrupt the cold-chain shipping industry. Their mission is to solve the world's packaging problems through sustainable design. They build revolutionary insulation products that allow large organizations... Read more





Org chart

Peter Wells

Brian Powers
Co-founder & Board Member
David Watts
SVP Quality, Safety, & Environment
Jed Dutton
VP, Marketing and Sustainability
Joe Rake
Vice President Technology – Product And Application
Brooke Riggs
Director of Process Improvement
Edgardo L.
Director of Production
Carter Shamburger
Logistics Manager
Cassandra Pierandri
Customer Success Director
Curtis Waldrop
Strategic Sourcing Manager
Drew Tinsley
Quality Assurance Manager
Gene Edwards
Inventory Manager
Jason Swayzee
Manufacturing Manager
Liz Helm, MBA
Sustainability Manager
Alvin Scott
Manufacturing Manager
Janay Smith
Level 1 Machine Operator Lead