Thames Valley Police

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Preventing and thoroughly investigating crime, supporting victims, and bringing offenders to justice. This commitment can’t be achieved by any one person alone; it relies upon a team of over 8,000 staff, officers, and volunteers, working alongside partner agencies and the public.





Org chart

Jason Hogg
Chief Constable
Mike Lattanzio
Temporary Assistant Chief Officer, CIO
Tim De Meyer
Assistant Chief Constable, Crime & Criminal Justice
Tim Metcalfe
Temporary Assistant Chief Constable, Operations
Christian Bunt
Temporary Assistant Chief Constable, Local Policing
Jason Morley-Smith
Chief Officer, Special Constabulary
Peter O'Doherty
Assistant Chief Constable, South East Regional lead for Counter Terrorism & Organized Crime
Steven Chase
Assistant Chief Officer, Director of People
Linda Waters
Assistant Chief Officer, Director of Finance
Michael Loebenberg
LPA Commander, Aylesbury Vale
Felicity Parker
LPA Commander, Bracknell & Wokingham
Emma Garside
LPA Commander, Cherwell & West Oxfordshire
Amy Clements
LPA Commander, Chiltern & South Buckinghamshire
Marc Tarbit
LPA Commander, Milton Keynes
Bruce Riddell
LPA Commander, Oxford
Steve Raffield
LPA Commander, Reading
Lis Knight
LPA Commander, South Oxfordshire & the Vale of White Horse
Michael Greenwood
LPA Commander, Windsor & Maidenhead
Emma Burroughs
LPA Commander, Wycombe
Lee Barnham
LPA Commander, Slough
Paul Bartolomeo
Head, Contact Management
Michelle Campbell
Head, Corporate Communications
Craig Kirby
Head, Criminal Justice
Jim Weems
Head, Force Intelligence & Specialist Operations Department
Joe Kidman
Head, Governance & Service Improvement Department
John Faux
Head, Information & Communication Technology
Marion Peulevé
Head, Information Management
Darren O'Callaghan
Head, Joint Operations Unit
Guy Lemon
Head, Legal Services
Richard Fowles
Head, Procurement Department
Colin Paine
Head, Professional Standards
David Griffin
Head, Property Services Department
Kath Barnes
Head, Counter Terrorism Policing South East
Ben Chivers
Head, South East Regional Organized Crime Unit
Sam Sloan
Head, Chiltern Transport Consortium