American Property Casualty Insurance Association


The American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA) is the primary national trade association for home, auto, and business insurers. APCIA promotes and protects the viability of private competition for the benefit of consumers and insurers, with a legacy dating back 150 years. APCIA members... Read more





Org chart

David Sampson
President and Chief Executive Officer

David Sampson

Sharon Giankos
Graphic Design Manager
Steve Cline
Vp, Communications
Stef Zielezienski
Executive Vice President And Chief Legal Officer
David F. Pearce Jr.
Department Vice President-financial Regulation And Tax Policy
James Olsen
Vice President Accounting And Investment Policy
Roland Eisenhuth
Assistant Vice President And Chief Economist
Steve Broadie
Vice President, Financial Policy
Norma O'Connor
Department Vice President, Human Resources
June Traina Holmes
Chief Operating Officer And Treasurer
Robert Gordon
Senior Vice President
Denni Ritter
Vice President, Western Region
Mark Sektnan
Vice President
Susan Miller
Vice President
Bob Passmore
Department Vice President, Personal Lines
Kate Carey
Department Vice President, Federal Government Relations And Political Engagement
Mona Dooley
Vice President, Federal Government Relations
Ron Jackson
Vice President, State Affairs, Southeast Region
Karen Collins
Vice President Property & Environmental
Jessica Hanna
Senior Vice President, Public Affairs At American Property Casualty Insurance Association (apci)
Tim Strickler
Senior Director, Political Engagement & PAC