Australian Strategic Policy Institute


The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) is an independent, non-partisan policy institute based in Canberra. It was set up by the government to provide fresh ideas on Australia's defence and strategic policy choices. ASPI is charged with the task of informing the public on strategic and d... Read more





Org chart

Justin Bassi
Executive Director

Justin Bassi

Andrew Horton
Chief Operations Officer
Danielle Cave
Director Of Executive, Strategy & Research
Adam Cossar
Head Of Partnerships
Dr John Coyne
Head Northern Australia Strategic Policy Centre, CT Centre, Strategic Policing And Law Enforcement
Bart Hogeveen
Deputy Director - Cyber, Technology And Security
Mike Bareja
Deputy Director, Cyber, Technology And Security
Rebecca Shrimpton
Director - Defence, Strategy And National Security
Andrew Davies
Senior Fellow
David Feeney Gaicd
Senior Fellow
Kim Beazley
Distinguished Senior Fellow
Mark Watson
Senior Fellow