

D’Artagnan is the nation’s premier specialty food distributor and leading purveyor of foie gras, game meat, organic poultry, pâtés, sausages and smoked delicacies in the nation. Established in 1985, D’Artagnan has been at the forefront of the farm-to-table movement and has a strong reputation with f... Read more






Org chart

Ariane Daguin

Magnus Gustafsson
Vp, Ecommerce & Digital Marketing
Justin Sarubbi
Category Manager
Katy Holsten
Category Manager
Robert Bailey
Director Of IT
Robert Zivkovic
Chief Financial Officer
Joe D'Angelo
Director Of Sourcing
Pierre Moreira
Vice President Of Sales, Western Region
Jason Wagner
Chief Operating Officer
Andy Wertheim
Glenn Livi
General Manager And Vice President Of Operations
Jonathan Haloua
Director Of Sales, Southeast Region
Kevin O'Donnell
Sales Director
Vanderstraeten Koen
Director Of Sales Nyc/nj
Anthony Broadnax
Sales Manager, Regional Accounts
Benjamin Martin
NYC Sales Manager
Bob N.
Sales Manager
Brandon Moser
Sales Manager
Brent Banda
Georgia Sales Manager
David Lestock
Sales Manager
Dennis Bernard
Sales Manager
Hazel Sy
Sales Manager
Jason Zygmont
Sales Manager
Jennifer Nguyen
D'artagnan Sales Manager
Jeremy Trier
Regional Sales Manager
Kevin Grossi
Sales Manager
Mark Riley
Sales Manager
Mary Wood
Sales Manager New England
Matt Foley
NE Sales Manager
Matthew Sadownick
NYC Sales Manager
Richard Goldsmith
Sales Manager
Shane Hampson
Sales Manager
Tim Moreno
NYC Sales Manager
Christopher Blackburn
Sales Representative
Greg Matty
Insides Sales Representative
Tj Obias
Sales Associate
Octavia Lee
Retail Sales Assistant